βHow art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!β Isaiah 14:12
I had a discussion years ago about how dinosaurs fit into creation. What was revealed to me is that the dinosaurs existed on prehistoric earth, before man. Yes, that could've been millions of years prior to man. They were destroyed with prehistoric earth during a cataclysmic event! Could that event have been the War in the heavens during the angelic rebellion? In Luke 10:18, Jesus said, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven!" He lost the war and was cast down to earth by Archangel Michael.
The theory is that a dinosaur-killing crash from something powerful threw huge amounts of debris into the air and caused massive tidal waves to wash over the continents. It's believed that substantial fires burned from that point in history. And scientists believe non-bird dinosaurs died out around 65 million years ago. The dating of layers of clay from around the world gave estimates to within a couple of thousands of years. But recent redating refined the date of the dinosaur extinction to around 66.0 million years ago.
Research by scientists estimates that around 75% of Earth's animals died suddenly at the same point in time (global mass extinction). The theory is that something hit at a high velocity and made a huge crater in the immediate area. A huge blast wave and heatwave went out and it threw vast amounts of material up into the atmosphere leading to total destruction!
It sent debris travelling all around the world. It didn't completely block out the Sun, but it reduced the amount of light that reached the Earth's surface. It had an impact on plant growth. Eventually everything died.
There was a domino effect that trailed up the food chain and the ecosystem collapsed. The reduction in plant life had a huge impact on herbivores' ability to survive, which meant carnivores would also have suffered from having less food available to eat. And breeding seasons would have been shorter and conditions harsher. All living things would've been affected in some way, both on land and in the ocean, if the theory is true.
However, there is a lot of discussion over the theory of the mechanism that actually killed the dinosaurs and how long that period lasted. There are still a lot of unknowns. But we do know it was a massive event affecting all life on Earth, from microorganisms all the way through to the dinosaurs. So, here's where God and faith come into the picture.
The Bible reveals in Genesis, "The earth was without form and void." God had to recreate everything. Then He created mankind. That was about 6,000 years ago. Also, the BANG (Big Bang Theory) certainly could've been caused by God's own Word, "Let there be light." Nothing just happens. There's always a cause and effect. Science teaches that! But at some point we must have enough faith to trust God and His holy Word. Science simply cannot explain everything to us. That's a fact. Man's knowledge and understanding are limited. And for a good reason. Just look at the wars, chaos, death and destruction we've brought with our science and technology! The book of Revelation teaches that God will recreate everything one final time, after the Millennial Reign of Christ on earth π. At that point, there will be heaven on earth, and eternal peace, forever...
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